The 2nd Biennial Black Canadian Studies Association
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-24 May 2015.
The Black Canadian Studies Association (BCSA) will host its
2nd Biennial Black Canadian Studies Conference, Community,
Empowerment & Leadership in Black Canada, in Halifax, Nova
Scotia, from 21 to 24 May 2015. To be held at Dalhousie University, the goal of
the conference is to promote dialogue, critical reflection and nuanced
perspectives on the past, present and future of Black leadership in Canada.
The conference presents an exciting opportunity to
explore leadership and the Black community in Canada locally,
provincially, nationally & globally from a variety of perspectives.
Conference organizers welcome papers from an array of disciplines that explore
the Black experience in Canada, as well as those, that address the nature of
Black Canadian Studies using a variety of theoretical frameworks and
methodologies. Disciplinary contributions are encouraged from, but not limited
to, anthropology, history, criminology, literature, music, and political
science. Moreover, scholars outside the humanities and social sciences, in such
disciplines as business, law, the health professions, engineering and natural
sciences, are encouraged to participate. We also welcome input and
abstracts from activists, community developers and community historians.
Placed within the context of leadership, capacity building
and community empowerment, topics may include, but are not limited to:
* class
* nationality/ism
* gender
* race & ethnicity
* youth
* education/schooling
* sexualities
* Anti-Black racism
* institution building
* identity
* health
* Pan-Africanism
* feminism
* immigration policy
* Black leadership historically
* political representation
* neoliberalism
* democracy
* Black communities and criminal justice
* arts & culture
* theology & religion
* vanguardism
The long history of Black people in Canada has been shaped
by the struggle for human recognition, social justice and democratic
participation. In the face of growing austerity, the reconfiguration of the
Canadian state and the transformation of global political economy, it is
imperative that we analyze the place of Black Canadians within these ongoing
changes, the state of the of Black communities across Canada, and generate
strategies for the future. The conference will provide a venue and space for
these very important conversations, discussions and debates.
The conference will take place over three days from Thursday
evening on 21 May to Sunday afternoon, 24 May. Plenary sessions and panels will
occupy important places throughout the conference schedule. In addition to
individual paper proposals, participants are encouraged to submit proposals for
panels. Panels can be disciplinary, multi-disciplinary, and furthermore can
consist of academics and non-academics. Panels may consist of three to four
papers addressing a coherent theme or issue. The organizing committee reserves
the right to make changes in the overall configuration of panels.
All proposals are due by February 15, 2015.
Individual and Panel proposals and abstracts should be between 150-250 words.
While conference organizers will attempt to secure financial
assistance for students and participants outside North America, we are unable
at this time to offer financial support. Participants should therefore
anticipate full responsibility for their own expenses unless notified
otherwise. We encourage participants who require a visa to enter Canada, to
make arrangements as soon as possible.
The 2015 BCSA Conference presents an exciting
opportunity to explore leadership and the Black community in Canada. The
conference will be held from May 21st until May 24th 2015, under the auspices
of the James R. Johnston Chair, Dr. Afua Cooper. To be held at Dalhousie
University, this conference will bring together world-leading academics,
community leaders, and the community at large to promote dialogue, critical
reflection, and nuanced perspectives on the past, present, and future of Black
leadership in Canada.
Promote dialogue
Encourage critical reflection
Develop nuanced perspectives on the past, present, and
future of Black leadership in Canada
Contribute to a Canadian society that celebrates diversity
and inclusiveness as core values. Why Halifax? Recorded Canadian Black history
began in Nova Scotia in 1604. The province and by extension, the City of
Halifax, therefore hold a special place in long history of Black people in
Canada. In Halifax itself, there were several Africans who were present at the
founding of the city in 1749. Since these dates, the city and province have
been home to diverse communities of African Canadians including those of
Acadian and Planter backgrounds, the Black Loyalists, The Jamaican Maroon,
Refugees of the War of 1812, and Caribbean immigrants of the late 19th and
early 20th centuries. Today, newer Black communities from the African and Caribbean
Diasporas have joined these historic communities. Given the long history of
Black people in Halifax, the city is uniquely positioned to host a conference
which delves into various aspects of the Black experience, African Canadian and
African Nova Scotian life, history, and culture.
Conference Content Topics of disciplinary contributions will
• Anthropology
• Business
• Criminology
• Engineering
• History
• Law
• Literature
• Music
• Natural Sciences
• Political ScienceSchedule Overview
• Cultural Welcome Reception Friday May 22nd, 2014
• Concurrent Sessions, Seminars, Dialogues Friday May 22nd,
Saturday May 23rd
• Keynote Addresses Friday May 22nd, Saturday May 23rd
• Keynote Luncheon Sunday May 24th
• Other cultural activities and community engagement
Thursday May 21st to Sunday May 24th Budget and
Finances The 2015 BCSA
Conference will remain accessible to everyone through low registration costs
and scholarship opportunities, which will be made available to those in need.
Registration Breakdown:
• $150 – Early Bird 1 (Jan 12 to Feb 22)
• $175 – Early Bird 2 (Feb 23 to April 12)
• $200 – Regular
• $65 – Student Total conference expenditures are
approximated at $95,100.
Total conference income is approximated at $95,800 –
including $63,000 of support. Sources of Support Include:
• Corporate Giving
• Public Sector Grants
• Institutional Support
• In-Kind Services
For proposal submission and further information please contact: (902-494-4088)
Contact Information Conference Chair: Dr. Afua Cooper
902-494-3012 902-237-7526
Conference Manager: RĂ©mi Lefebvre
Le5 Management
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